Links of Interest
Newburyport Chamber of Commerce
I’m a long time member of this excellent chamber.
Society of American Period Furniture (SAPFM)
An amazing non-profit organization dedicated to understanding and making period furniture.
Guild of New Hampshire Woodworkers
This non-profit promotes woodworking education through demonstrations and small meetings. GNHW provides grants every year to schools and individuals. I’ve been involved for many years having served on the board of directors, leader of the Hand Tools & Carving Subgroup and other positions.
The Furniture Society
A group that aims to advance the art of furniture making. I’ve been a member for many years.
American Association of Woodturners
Winterthur Museum
Rhode Island School of Design Museum
Peabody Essex Museum

A few others
Highland Hardwoods
Horton Brasses
Lee Valley Tools
Lie-Nielsen Toolworks

Thanks to…
Andrea LeBlanc, flutist and David Hyun-Su Kim, pianist.

David Hyun-Su Kim is an accomplished pianist specializing in historically-informed performance. Visit his website to learn more about him and to hear recordings of some of his performances.
Andrea LeBlanc,, a fabulous Baroque flutist whose music sits on her O’Doherty Moore music stand.